Saturday, October 08, 2005

What's the Story Morning Glory?

So today I wanted to touch on a feeling that I get quite often. I wanted to get it out there in hopes of getting someone to comment with “yeah, I do that too!” or “no, you’re a freak!”

Every morning I have the same routine. I wake up at 4:30am, get dressed, grab a soda or some coffee, and head to the office. I arrive around 5:30, check out my servers, and then fire up my laptop. I first check company email, to make sure nothing blew up over night that I need to take care of. I then start with blogs. I have a list of about 10 that I read on a daily basis, but when I blog surf, I add more. I click the link, and then start reading.

One of the biggest disappointed feelings I get is when I get to a blog that has not been updated. Its kind of a “aww, no new update. Dang” I am disappointed that I can not read about other people’s lives to make mine more interesting. I feel a twinge of joy when someone has been going nuts, updating with quizzes, stories, and other things. Am I the only one out here that feels that let down when nothing new has been updated? Like there the world is spinning and you don’t know anything about it?

Perhaps I should seek blog therapy


Ali said...

yeah, I do that, too! But yes, you're still a freak.

And you wake up at 4:45am, not 4:30, only when I force you to. Liar

Halfway to Fifty said...

You are certainly not alone in that routine and feeling, although I wake up somewhat later and I'm extremely guilty of not updating my own blog on a regular basis.

SimonZealotes said...

Nah, you're not alone, I am well-aware of the feeling. It's like compulsively checking your work e-mail everytime a new one comes in (even though in my case, it's all general/standard department spam).

I know that Firefox sometimes doesn't update someone's blog if you hit it from your bookmarks, so sometimes I get a pleasant surprise if I hit the refresh button, too. I'm like "Whoa, an update!"

Anonymous said...

I feel that way, too. It is for that reason that I have tried to update mine at least every other day.

But, sometimes the best updates are the ones that aren't posted. So if I have nothing to say, I say nothing.

Or, at least, I think that's what I do. Opinions may vary.