Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A recent conversation...

Overheard in the Casa:

Mrs: So what do you want to do for your birthday?
Ninjamunkey: I would love to take a weekend trip, somewhere we have never been. Maybe New Orleans? I would love to site see, and get ripped on bourbon street.
Mrs: That sounds great, start shopping for the best deal...

After about 2 or 3 days, we realized that flying was the only way to do it and have time to site see, but of course, it was super expensive. So we did what we normally do with plans, and put them off. We were supposed to be there next weekend. This week, the city has been washed away, and most of it has been evacuated.

So I ask you, faithful reader (numbering 1), is that good luck that we did not go, or bad luck for the city itself. I find myself being in the former, because self preservation and safety of my family is more important that any mixed drink in the French Quarter.


Halfway to Fifty said...

I think you're damn lucky that you hadn't thrown any money down yet. That's something that would happen to me!

Bonnie said...

Glad you didn't go, get washed away, and leave us without your bloggy goodness, plummer-butt munkey kid, and hot wife.